Little Miss Moffet!

You may not know her, but you definitely know her dancers. Alexa Moffett is a young, insanely talented choreographer that is taking the competition and convention scene and the dance world by storm. Take a moment to get to know her, see what makes her wheels turn, and what she is up to next!
DanceTchrProbs: Hey, Alexa! Thanks for taking the time to interview with me! Can you give us a brief history of your dance background?
Alexa Moffet: I started dancing at 10 years old and was put on a competitive team. I had never danced in my life and I even learned my ballet positions off a video my mom rented from the library. I danced with girls much younger than myself due to my lack of training, but caught up by the next year. When I turned 12, we moved to Arizona from Minnesota and I continued my training. I started choreographing solos and assisting drill team at age 15. When I was 17 I was choreographing about 20 solos and teaching drill team. My solos were unbeatable and different than the typical Arizona style of dance. I was offered 3 different positions from studios in AZ and Club Dance is where I ended up at. I had to give up dancing to continue my job and to this day still makes me wonder what path I would’ve been on if I hadn’t. I had to start from scratch with the girls and for two years, my life was on pause, working with them every second I could to prepare them. My first solo I choreographed at Club Dance was Jaycee’s ‘Roxie’ and my first group number was ‘When You Believe.’ Training new and young dancers is one of the hardest jobs, but the girls were up for the challenge and went from being unknown to undefeated. In the last two years my kids and choreography have been featured on America’s Got Talent Season 8, Dance Moms, Abby’s Ultimate Dance Challenge Season 2, X Factor, Disney Channel, Bun Heads, and some more exciting things for the girls and I very soon. In 2013, I also started my own traveling workshop with my good friend, Molly Long, that we will be expanding world wide this year.
DTP: Quite the career you have for someone so young! Definitely a testament that anything is possible with hard work, from both you and your dancers. Run us through a typical day in the life of Alexa…
AM: Wake up, ignore dance mom texts, get some coffee, respond to the moms if I decide, studio, gym, and occasionally have a real life and see my regular friends at nights!
DTP: Ha! I am sure we can all relate to some of that. What inspires you daily? And what inspires you choreographically?
AM: My students. My students inspire me all the time. I love to see them improve and want something. When I’m choreographing I can vision the girls and know exactly what to give to them. They are what keeps me teaching.
DTP: I can most definitely agree with that. Your Club Dance girls are known for being insanely flexible. What techniques, other than just basic stretches, do they perform?
AM: We have a great stretch class that I teach for my workshop…book me and you can find out my secrets. Hehe!
DTP: A magician never reveals her secrets. Totally understandable. So, If you could work with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

DTP: Well, that was easy! What is your favorite style of dance to perform or choreograph and why?
AM: Anything that makes you feel good. Something that has a story I can act or relate to.

DTP: I am confident in saying we all agree. It’s why we dance. If there is one thing that you could have every dancer who ever takes your class take with them, what would it be?
AM: If you don’t work hard you don’t deserve it. I take my classes extremely seriously and don’t put up with anything but 500 percent. I want you to work for it until you cry you’re so happy.

DTP: That is a beautiful mantra. Success comes with work and dedication. I love that you instill that in your students. What are some valuable life lessons that you learned during your days as a competitive/studio dancer?
AM: I’ve learned to work for what I have. Every ounce of success I’ve had has been 100% because of pushing myself to never give up on my dreams. My entire dance career has always been people telling me I was never good enough and could never do it. So I proved them wrong.
DTP: I love that. Nothing ever comes from listening to the nay-sayers. Let us know more about you! What is your favorite color? Birthday? Favorite song right now? Favorite musical?
AM: My favorite colors are blue and purple. Birthday is August 6th. I’m liking Little Mix’s new album, even though it’s a bit cheesy. And Sister Act is my favorite musical!
DTP: 6 things you could not live with out.
AM: iPhone, music, Addison Moffett, coffee, socks, and lulu. Things I could live without:
Dance moms having my phone number, crying children, mornings, bad feet, and airplanes.

DTP: HAHAHAH! Yesssss! So what is the next big thing for Alexa Moffett?
AM: Expanding our workshop to worldwide and more! You’ll have to wait and see!

Thanks for reading, everyone. We are both appreciative! Be sure to follow her on Twitter and on Instagram for the latest ad the greatest!

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