Excellence Takes Time!


It’s the ultimate goal in our world. We all strive for it, but only some get it and many don’t. We sometimes get it one place, and not at another. It is that holy word on high to a competitive dancer…


Over the past few weeks of competitions and seeing outcomes different here and there, I have really started to think about what it actually takes to get a platinum ranking or an overall high score routine. Sometimes, there are those pieces that just take our breath away. They seem so effortless and that these kids just breath and this beauty comes out of them. Then, there are the others that are a little rough on the eyes, but you can tell the kid is doing the best they can, with what has been given to them. So what is it that gives those dancers that edge?

In my honest and humble opinion, it’s time. A lot of people want that high score or that platium but do they wannt to put in the work and the time for it?

Of course, it has all to do with the training that you are getting, but for sake of argument, let’s put those equally strong soloists into the same studio setting, with the same teachers at the same capacity as the others as scheduled by the studio required classes. They’ve each had the same amount of time to learn their choreography. Once that choregraphy is done, then what? That there is where the issue sometimes lie. Once a piece is learned, there is always room for growth and improvement. After every single competition, there is feedback given and that serves as a huge opportunity for us as teachers and choreographers to get a fresh view on what we see day in and day out. Outside of these opportunities, lie even more opportunities.

Platinum rankings take a lot of rehearsal. They take a lot of fine tuning, and what seems like nitpicking. It is combing through each and every step over and over again in order to get it crystal clear. It is working through each transition with a magnifying glass, making sure that the feet don’t sickle and we are rolling through our feet to stand. It is taking some of the private rehearsal time to work at the barre on the foundations of dance in order to perfect each technical aspect of the piece. Some people can handle this scrutiny, others cannot and that is okay.

Along with time, comes money. Extra rehearsals come at a monetary cost, as well. You have to pay your choreographer, teacher, or rehearsal director for their time. There is normally a studio fee, too. Time isn’t cheap, but in the end, if it is truly what you want, it is worth it. It can make the biggest difference in your performance and scoring. 

You have to stop blaming the competitions of those you are competing against for your shortcomings. It has nothing to do if the studio has been coming here for 25 years. It doesn’t matter who does their choreography. What matters is how much effort you put into your rehearsals. It comes down to what you chose to do with your level of commitment. Specifically speaking about solos, it is all on you. You have no one else on stage with you. In regards to groups, it is what you are presenting in those few minutes on stage. You can’t say a certain competition only likes contemporary, or that they favor hip hop. It comes down to what you present in those 3 minutes on stage. Judges don’t know that it is your personal best. They also don’t know if it is your personal worst, either. While at the end of the day, yes, it is someone’s opinion, but are you presenting the strongest evidence for them to form their opinion off of? Ask yourself that question every week. 

In the mean time, do what you can. Review your dances. Think of questions you can ask your teachers. Stretch. Time doesn’t always require money. These are things you can do on your own. 

Keep working hard, kiddos.



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